1 E tanulmány szerzõje nagyban egyetért Walker Connor argumentumával, miszerint a nyugati szakirodalomban alaptézisként elfogadott „civic-ethnic" nacionalizmustipológia nem teljesen értelmezi a nacionalizmus eltérõ fejlõdési modelljeit. Így a legtöbb szerzõ által csak „civic nationalism"-ként leírt nyugat-európai és észak-amerikai modell sem mentes az etnikai jellegû motívumoktól. Ennek megfelõen a tanulmányban használt kifejezések: nacionalizmus, etnonacionalizmus, nemzeti öntudat, nemzeti azonosulás stb. ugyanazt a jelenséget próbálják lefedni. – Walker Connor: Ethnonationalism, The Quest for Understanding. Princeton University Press, 1994.
2 A.D. Smith: The Ethnic Origins of Nations. Blackwell, Oxford 1986; Nations and Nationalism in the Global Era. Polity Press, Cambridge 1995. – J. Hutchinson: Modern Nationalism. Fontana, London 1994. – Jr. Llobera: The God of Modernity: The Development of Nationalism in Western Europe. Berg, Oxford 1994.
3 A középkori nemzettudat kérdéseit és a keresztény egyházhoz való viszonyulását járja körül Skócia példáján William Storrar nagyszerû könyve. – W. Storrar: Scottish Identity, A Christian Vision. The Handsel Press, Edinburgh 1990.
4 Llobera, i.m.
5 B. Anderson : Immagined Communities. Verso, London 1983. – E. Gellner: Nations and Nationalism. Blackwell, Oxford 1983. – A. Giddens: The Nation-State and Violence. Polity, Cambridge 1991. – E. Hobsbawmn: Nations and Nationalism since 1780: Programme, Myth, Reality. California Univ.Press, 1990.
6 Hobsbawmn, i.m.
7 Smith: Nations and Nationalism in the Globall Era
8 P.L. Van Der Berghe: Does Race Matter? Nations and Nationalism November 1995, 357-368. – Race and Ethnicity: A Sociological Perspective, Ethnic and Racial Studies 1978.
9 Bibó István: Válogatott Tanulmányok 1935-1979. Negyedik Kötet. Válogatta és szerkesztette ifj. Bibó István és Huszár Tibor. Gondolat, Budapest 1990.
10 J. Dunn: Democracy, The Unfinished Journey.
11 Politikai Filozofiák Encklopédiája. Kossuth Könyvkiadó, Budapest 1995. A mû eredeti címe: The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Political Thought. Ed. by D. Miller, Blackwell, Oxford 1991.
12 J. Locke: Two Treatises of Goverment (1689). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 1970 – N. Machiavelli: The Chief Works and others. Duke University Press, Durham NC,1965. -C.L.Montesquieu: The Political Theory of Montesquieu. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1977.- J.J.Rousseau: The Social Contract (1762), St.Martin's, New York 1978.
13 C.B. Macpherson: Democratic Theory. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1982.
14 F.A. Hayek: The Constitution of Liberty. University of Chicago Press, 1960. – Law,Legislation and Liberty. University of Chicago Press, 1982
15 J. Bentham: An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. Athlone Press, London 1970.
16 Francis Fukuyama: A történelem vége és az utolsó ember. Európa Könyvkiadó, Budapest 1994.
17 J.S. Mill: Considerations on representative goverment. = Utilitarianism, liberty, representative goverment. Eds. H. Acton and J.M. Dent, London 1972.
18 G. Mazzini: The duties of the man and other essays, J.M. Dent, London 1907.
19 Kiss Endre: A Typology of Ninetinth Century Concepts of Nationhood. East European Quaterly No.1, Spring 1996. 47-59. – A szerzõ szerint a 19. századi magyar nacionalizmus három fõ áramlattal bírt. Az elsõ a Széchenyi nevével fémjelzett liberális-modernizáló irányzat, amely sokszor még jobban fellépett az etnikai túlkapások ellen, mint a nyugat-európai liberálisok. A Kossuth-féle romantikus-etnikai nacionalizmus, amely legközelebb áll a herderi koncepciókhoz és a dualizmus kori Tisza Kálmán alatt megjelenõ etatista konzervatív irányzat volt a másik két áramlat. E három irányzat dinamikus egyensúlya alakította a magyar politikai nacionalizmust 1918-ig. A herderi koncepciót értékelve érdemes Kisst szó szerint idézni. „We can conclude that the Fichte-Herder type of nationalism was a spontaneous and ad hoc reaction to the general European situation in the wake of the Napoleonic wars. Therefore, this paradigm must be made the subject matter of a fundamental and unprejudiced analysis, if only because no posterior ideological criticism can alter the fact that it has been first and foremost this nationalism drew up the most definite manner the theoretical outlines of »nation-building« on the Continent."
20 H. Kohn: The Age of Nationalism. Harper and Row, New York 1968.
21 Csepeli György: Lehel kürtje és a nyugati szél. Kritika 1996/8. 6-9.
22 Lipcsey Ildikó: Erdélyi Autonomiák. Budapest 1990. 49-79. A tanulmánykötet szerzõje részletesen tárgyalja, hogyan manipulálta a romániai kommunista elit saját politikai céljaira a nemzeti kérdést.
23 David Dyker: Nomenklatura Nationalism: The Key to an Understanding of the New Eastern European Politics? Australian Journal of Politics and History vol.41, No. 1, 1995.
24 Csepeli György, i.m. 7.
25 L. Tindemans, L. Cutler, B. Geremek, J. Roper, T. Sommer, S. Veil, D. Anderson: Unfinished Peace, Report of the International Commission on the Balkans. Aspen Institute and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Berlin and New York 1996.
26 J. Baudrillard: Selected Writings. Stanford University Press, Stanford 1988. – M. McLuhan: Understanding the Media: The Extensions of Man. McGraw-Hull, New York 1968.
27 Egy szabadkai magyar barátom mesélte el a következõ politikai viccet a Milosevics-rendszer propaganda jellegének szemléltetésére.„Hitler és Milosevics ülnek a pokolban egy lassú tûzön fövõ edényben. Így szól Milosevics: Te Dolfi, ha nekem olyan katonáim lettek volna, mint neked a Wermachtban, akkor ma Zágrábban a sasfejes Szerb lobogó lengene... -Hitler így válaszol: Te Szlobo, nekem viszont ha ilyen propagandagépezetem lett volna, mint neked volt, nyugdíjaztattam volna doktor Göbbelst még 1933-ban..." A politikai viccek sokszor többet magyaráznak a valóságról, mint nagyon vastag politikai elemzések.
28 Eds. F. Adam and G. Tomc: Small Societies in Transition, the Case of Slovenia. Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubjana 1994.
29 Peter Klinar: Social and Ethnic Stratifications,Global Social and Ethnic Relations. I.m. 99-117.
30 Az idézett magyar szöveg a cikkíró saját fordítása, melyért a teljes felelõsség a fordítót terheli. Az eredeti angol szöveg a következõ: „... the late formation of the Slovene nation state explains the fact that the Slovenes are attached to their culture and territory. The Slovenes, who had been subject to long-lasting pressures of domination and majorasation, consider ethnicity and acquired nationality to be the crucial foundation of social integration, together with primary family relations."
31 Ghia Nodia: Nationalism and Democracy = L. Diamond and M.F. Plattner (eds.): Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict and Democracy. The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London 1994. A szöveg angol eredetije így hangzik: „I mean to suggest that the idea of nationalism is impossible – indeed unthinkable – without the idea of democracy, and that democracy never exist without nationalism. The two are joined in a sort of complicated marriage, unable to live without each other, but coexisting in an almost permanent state of tension."
32 W. Storrar, i.m.
33 L. Colley: Britons: Forging the nation, 1707-1837. Yale University Press, New Haven Conn 1993. – C.Harvie: Scotland and Nationalism, Scottish Society and Politics 1707-1994. Routledge, London and New York 1994.-Morton Graeme: Scottish Rights and centralisation in the mid 19th century.=Nations and Nationalism. Volume 2 Part 2.July1996. 255-279.
34 Max Weber: A protestáns etika és a kapitalizmus szelleme. Gondolat, Budapest 1982.
35 A. Brown, D. McCrone, L. Patterson: Politics and Society in Scotland. MacMillan, Basingstoke 1996. 198.
36 Max Weber, i.m. 9.
37 T.Gallagher: The Uneasy Peace, Religious Tension in Modern Scotland. Manchester University Press, Manchester 1987.
38 I. Lindsay: The SNP and the Lure of Europe. = T.G.Gallagher:Nationalism in the Nineties, Polygon, Edinburgh 1991. 97. A szöveg angol eredetije így hangzik: „The principle of keeping as much initiative as we can as close to people as we can, of valuing democratic responsibility over patronage is often benign, seems a good basis for a Scottish approach to internationalism, and one which may find an echoing response in eastern Europe."
39 Ezeket az elgondolásokat világosan tükrözik a Skót Nemzeti Párt választási dokumentumai. Scottish National Party's General Election Manifesto 1992: Recovery in Scotland , Make IT Happen Now! How We Will Rebuild Scottish Economy, Independence in Europe! Make It Happen Now!
40 Neil MacCormick: Sovereignty: Myth or Reality. Scottish Affairs no. 11, Spring 1995. 1-14.
41 A szöveg angol eredetije így hangzik: „Have we lost sovereignty since joining the European Community? Does the development of the European Union through after the Maastricht Treaty portend the development of a sovereign super-state that will swallow up the other member states? If the states lose sovereignty, must the Community or the Union acquire it?"
42 Peter Klinar, i.m. A szöveg angol eredetije így hangzik: „The of the sovereign state creates an opportunity for re-thinfing of problems about national identity. The nation as a cultural, or linguistic or historical, or even ethnic community is not co-extensive with the (former) sovereign state, the traditional ‘nation-state’. The cases I have mentioned all make this obvious in the highest degree. The suppression of national individualities is wrong in itself and almost inevitably a cause of bitterness and strife. But if the ideological unity of the traditional sovereign state is abandoned, new possibilities are opened.
43 Molnár Gusztáv: Fordulópont a Magyar Külpolitikában. Külpolitika 1996. 1. szám. 12-22.
44 T. Várady: Collective Rights of Minorities and Majorities within the Context of International Law. Az esszé az „Új Közép-Európa" nyári egyetemre készült, amely 1996 augusztusában Kõszegen került megrendezésre.
45 Váradi, i.m. A szöveg angol eredetije a következõ: „Although collective minority rights have been recognised (de jure or de facto) in an increasing number of countries, the problem is far from being settled.There are still strong prejudices tied to the concept – and there are genuine problems as well. It seeems that the best way to face these problems (and prejudices is to discontinue the debate over the notion of collective rights, and to focus on specific entitlements, on details rather than on rallying passwords."
46 Yael Tamir: Liberal Nationalism. Princeton University Press, Princeton 1993.
47 Tamir, i.m. 7. A szöveg angol eredetije így hangzik: „Arguing that national values should be acknowledged and respected rather than dismissed as inherently groundless and irrational, entails a move toward greater moral complexity and more frequent collisions between rights and values."
48 Tamir, i.m. 16. A szöveg angol eredetije így hangzik: „Nationalism and liberalism are modern movements. Both share the view that free, rational, and autonomous human beings are capable of exercising full responsibility for the conduct of their lives, and both share a belief in the human ability to attain self-rule, self-expression and self-development."
49 Tamir, i.m. 58.: „A nation is not a state. It may seem obvious that a state and a nation are not one and the same, but the fact that these terms are often used interchangeably."
50 Tamir, i.m. 69.: „According to the Cultural version, ‘nation’ is defined as a community sharing a set of objective characteristics grouped under the rubric of culture and national consciousness. Consequently, the right to national self-determination is understood as the right of a nation, or more precisely, the members of a nation, to preserve their distinct existence, and to manage communal life in accordance with their particular way of life. The democratic version defines ‘nation’ as symonymous with the ‘governed’, that is, the group of individuals living under the same rule. Hence self-determination is understood as the right of individuals to participate in the governing of their lives."
51 Tamir, i.m. 79.: Liberal nationalism thus celebrates the particularity of culture together with the universiality of human rights, the social and cultural embeddedness of individuals together with their personal autonomy."
52 W. Kymlicka: Multicultural citizenship, liberal theory of minority rights,Clarendon Press, Oxford.
53 Ifj.Korhecz Tamás: Létezik-e szabadság kisebbségi különjogok nélkül? Valóság 1996/3. 74-81.
54 A.D. Smith: National identity and the idea of European Unity. International Affairs 1992/1. 55-76. A szöveg angol eredetije így hangzik: „When it comes to the ritual and ceremny of collective identification, there is no European equivalent of national and religious community. Any research into the question of forging, or even discovering, a possible European identity cannot afford to overlook these central issues."
55 Marcian Krol: Democracy's Where East meets West. Journal of Democracy January 1995.
56 Richard Kearney: Postmodernity, Nationalism and Ireland. = History of European Ideas.Vol.16, No.1-3. 147-155.